Helping people communicate better through graphic design.

Brand Workbook 1




Big decisions require future planning.

It’s all too easy to become short-sighted when you’re creating your brand and focus on the present: what the trends are, what type of clients you want to work with next month, etc. But the aim isn’t to brand your business for the here and now; it’s to get you where you want to be 5 years from now.

You don’t dress for the job you have, you dress for the job you want. You can think of branding like dressing your business for the part.

Your brand should be helping you attract the clients you want to have and helping you meet your future goals.

This means a couple things:

• You shouldn’t switch your brand up every year or two. It’s important to maintain consistency with your brand so people begin to recognize it, remember it, and form a connection with it.

• You need to know what your goals are in order to create a brand that helps you reach them. Again, you have to consider where you want to be in order to create a brand that helps you get there.

Write down your 1-year business goals and 5-year business goals.