Helping people communicate better through graphic design.

Brand Workbook 3




The purpose of branding is to catch the attention of potential clients and customers and build trust with them so that they’ll purchase your products and book your services.

In order to do that, you have to know what type of clients you want to be working with.

A common mistake a lot of people make is instead of making brand decisions based on the taste of the clients and customers they want to attract, they make decisions based on their own personal taste.

The same is true for your brand. Instead of focusing on your own tastes, you need to understand your potential customers and make brand decisions based on what would appeal to them.

A helpful way to do this is to create an ideal client/customer profile.

Will every client or customer match this profile? Absolutely not. But it’s helpful to summarize these important qualities about the clients and customers you want to attract and keep them in mind.